Concert to close this tired 2007


Squeezed in the backyard of Centro Pablo, we listened again to Pedro Luis Ferrer. The night of Saturday, December 22nd fell upon us while we listened to his poems and songs, happy for him to be there –back amongst us- the “Fat Boy with the guitar.”  Pedro has come back different and simultaneously the same.  He has new themes that take us to the streets of Madrid and he mixes them with his well known “guajiro” chords, sounds and couplets.

The song dedicated to his friend Jesús Díaz, where he confesses  “if I don’t leave Cuba, don’t assume that I stayed,” confirmed me in my folly of staying here to “turn off the light in El Morro” (or to turn it back on, who knows?).   That and much more I owe to this troubadour who, after seven months in Europe, comes before his public – which isn’t the same, either – and makes us laugh and throw conspiratorial looks with that business of “grandpa has a revolver and a knife/ and until somebody takes them from him, he’ll be a danger (…)/ even if you think no, say yes/ if you contradict him it’s worse for you.”

Pedro, you have been the best at this boring and discolored end of a year.  Much more real than the fried plantains, the yucca with gravy or the limited portion of roast pork (I know you’ll like this comparison, because your appetite shows in your songs and in your size). I’ll take, then, as a resolution for this 2008, which is coming over us, a couple of your verses: “We have to build a full democracy/ so no one can make me say what I don’t want”.

I’ll leave you with the text of the song that appeared in the program of the concert, and which gives the title to it.

A Year-End Song

Now that I’m allowed to look askance:
What allure is in your eyes, my dear!
I like even the way in which you dance
And the peculiar fire of your cheer.

Now that I’m allowed to criticize:
I walk the Malecón and wait for dawn;
I want to dedicate myself to rest;
The flowers of the garden are so fair…

Now that I’m allowed to criticize:
I put on new pants and a new shirt;
We put a hammock on the porch
And hung in the door a little bell.

Now that even the mute aspires to talk
and is in vogue to yell and to complain
Your legs, I wish I could devour,
The way in which you walk, and you settle.

Now that I’m allowed to criticize:
I bought a new computer and a bowl;
My friend asked me for a change:
The moon is full and nice for a stroll.

Pedro Luís Ferrer

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