Those who have plans to travel to Cuba in the coming months and would like to show their solidarity by helping, I recommend bringing in your luggage a few kilograms of supplies to deliver directly to the victims. While anything can help those families that have lost their possessions, there are certain things and resources that are a priority.
- Water purifying tablets.
- Vitamins, every kind of painkiller, thermometers, band-aids, oral hydration salts, disposable syringes, cotton, medicinal sprays for asthmatics, aspirin, paracetamol and suture thread.
- Clothing of all kinds, including underwear and shoes.
- School supplies, especially notebooks and pencils.
- Rechargeable batteries, flashlights and portable radios.
- Toiletries: soap, toothpaste, shampoo and toothbrushes.
- Baby clothes and things for babies. Remember that babies have been left without even a bottle.
A recommendation to take into consideration: It is always preferable, whenever possible, to deliver the aid directly to those in need. Personal delivery or sending things through friends is the most secure.
For those who want to send help there is also a Montreal based company that I’ve used in the past and many friends have used to send goods to cuban friends. The usually garantee personnal delivery.
Certain items are only available for larger city areas. But food and the like can be taken to rural Cuba (where I normaly send things).
Para los que quieran enviar ayuda hay también una Montreal basada la compañía que yo usado en el pasado y muchos amigos enviaban mercancías a los amigos cubanos. Generalmente la entrega del personnal de la garantía. Ciertos artículos están solamente disponibles para las áreas de la ciudad . Pero el alimento y similares se puede llevar Cuba rural (donde normaly envío cosas).
Having left Cuba 56 years ago, it continues to amaze me how often my compatriots sing and dance for the cameras for the world to watch! No wonder the world sees a different Cuba than you and I see. Yoani, you are MY HEROE! There are no words, in any languague, to describe your guts, your valiant and relentless effort to let the truth shine! I know that I will not be able to, ever, give you the tightest hug any Cuban woman has ever given to another Cuban woman…but someone, shall do it…and you will know that it comes directly from me.
Rosa Sanchez
I have used antillas express for the past 12 years and they have always delivered to my family in cuba in no less than 7 days to havana…in my opinion is the best i have found so far……i left cuba in 1990 and retured to see my family in 2003 and god is my witness that never in my entire life did i ever think things would get as bad as they are now…I now live in Texas and i first hand now for sure what the people of cuba are dealing with..i 2 had to make it thru 3 hurricanes this year but all we can do is help oneanother anyway we can and keep our heads held high….MAY MY PEOPLE IN CUBA BE LIBERATED SOON…YOLIVANY GONZALEZ…TEXAS.USA..CUBANO HOY, MANANA Y SIEMPRE…
PAra mi no hay nada mejor que cuba en todo el mundo yo e viajado por varios lugare vivi en u.s.a muchos anos y nunca me gusto la forma de muchos cubanos de apoyar el bloqueo contra su propio pais,quienes estan sufriendo es el mismo pueblo .y siquerbago el pueblo cubano sique siendo un pueblo alegere y de lo poco que tiene se mantienen ,yo sali de cuba en el1991 e visitado cuba varias veces ,pero cuando sali de cuba yo era mas joven y tenia toda mi familia en miami. despues de fui a cuba la primera vez mi vida cambio ,tube mi propio negocio en las vegas,y viendo todas las rstinciones que ponen para viajar a cuba comence ,aquerer mas ami patria ,llevando donaciones de medicamentos para los hospitales pagado de mi bolsillo a precios del mercado.para haci ayudar alos ninos que se enferman en cuba.con mucho amor lo hago por que como dijo Fidel castro Donde la sencivilidad humana se pone a prueba es en la salud…..Hoy vivo en canada y lo dejo todo por que reconoci que nada material me ata,dejo todo lo que tengo por tal de Regrezar a mi patria para siempre.ese cielo.y esa bandera que tanto extrano.Cuba linda te quiero