Without legs and with trophy

Days ago, when I found out that Generation Y was a finalist in the Bitacoras.com awards, I wrote a letter to the organizers of the event.  I learned today of the prize awarded by the jury and the lines written that Tuesday are appropriate to celebrate the triumph:

Make it or don’t make it, win or don’t win, I feel like the disabled runner that manages to reach the finish line, even if he does it after everyone has passed the flag.  In my case, the key is not in my coming out ahead, but rather in overcoming my own demons who have told me many times, “Leave the race,” “It’s not worth the pain,” “You can’t do anything.”

Well yes friends, we have moved the line.  I crawling, you giving encouragement and some offering insults as incentives.  It’s too bad that the stadium is half empty, missing those who cannot access the site from within Cuba.  To them, so that they will undertake their own marathons, this prize is dedicated.

* Clearly I do not mean the disabled who are competing in the Paralympic Games, but others who have all their limbs available to them.


  1. Sometimes I also receive mix feelings about the end, an end that when it comes it does not matter how long I have waited so lond as it comes and it will. Your fortitude is also mine, keep trucking!

  2. dear Yoani,
    my warmest congratulation for your effort – i feel preveledged i could meet you for a short time of half en hour in July in Havanna during my first visit to Cuba. Since my return to Hungary i am a fervent learner of spanish and reader of your blog (spanish and english paralel) – this way i learned a lot of spanish and a lot about real life in your country.

    thank you very much for these intellectual adventure!
    hopefullysee you again soon!

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