I’d love to choose

coppelia_pinar-copy.jpgFor weeks, there are words like “ballot box,” “votes,” and “candidates” that persecute us everywhere.  First there were the elections in the United States and now the issue has been revived with what happened on Sunday in Venezuela.  It’s as if at the end of the year everything conspires to remind us of our condition as non-electors, our limited experience in deciding who leads us.You become accustomed to not being able to choose what to put in your mouth, under which creed they will educate your children, or to whom to open the door, but that resignation shatters when you see someone else vote.  Because of this it has risen up, these days, the desire to fold the ballot, to push it into the slot and to know that with it goes my stentorian shout that demands: “to choose.”


  1. I hope the Cuban People will have the chance to vote in a free election soon–that they will be able to get their government to improve their standard of living en el futuro. Also–the English translator does a very good and accurate job.

    Espero que la gente Cubano tendran la chanca para votar en un election libre pronto–que va ser possible causar que su gobierno mejorara su estandard de vida en el futuro. Tambien–el quien translada esta haciendo muy buen e exacto trabajo.

  2. I think it’s very to the point that you talk about this subject given that all of us are now voting for you to win at the Bob’s. We, in Canada, vote for our mayor, our Premieres and our Prime Minister… We’re fortunate to have a say in our government and it breaks my heart that you don’t. More to the point, people in your situation are the reason that I always push people to vote in elections. Despite the fact that they might not believe in any of the candidates, showing up and voting for no-one is better then staying at home and having your voice ignored, especially given the fact that so many people around the world have no right to vote and others wait for days to vote in rigged elections. Hang in there, your day will come.

    Update on the Vote:
    Generation Y is behind by 1% for best weblog
    And is tied for first place for reporters without borders, it’s time to vote and comment people!
    If you have blogs, websites or post on forums somewhere: promote Generation Y and ask people to vote! I know I’ve been doing it on my blog for the last little while 😀
    DO IT!

  3. Well people… it looks like Yoani won for best Reporter without Borders!!!!
    Go check out the Bobs, it appears the results are out already.



  6. This past US election brought out more people to the ballot box than ever, whatever their reason to do so I hope that they appretiate their right to vote and to be heard. The same goes for Venezuela. But this right didn’t come without pain Americans should be greatful to the forfathers that fought for that freedom. Cubans need to speak with louder voices, without fear, afterall what if anything is there left to lose. I hope that next year the world will rejoice in seeing Cubans regain the RIGHT TO VOTE.!

  7. I am fascinated with your blog and recommend it. The world has much to learn from cubanos when they become free. Will they revert to warfare for the position of top dog? To US-style democracy and capitalism? Something entirely new??? White Cubans who managed to leave, were generally the elite. They and/or their descendants usually identify with the republican party in the US and live fairly well. Black Cubans suffer for being black, just like too many Black Americans. So do the republican Cubans in the US want Cuba to have the same “liberties” that we currently have in the US? The same “snake devouring its own tail” capitalism? Do they want to return to the status quo before Castro? Or do they really just want Cuba to be free?????

    Me fascina tu blog y lo recomiendo. El mundo tiene mucho que aprender de los cubanos cuando se libran. Regresaran al conflicto armado para determinar el nuevo lider? A la democracia y capitalismo de los Estados Unidos? Algo enteramente nuevo??? Los cubanos blancos que se pudieron salir generalmente eran ricos y bien conectados. Ellos y/o sus descendientes regularmente se asocian con el partido republicano en los Estados Unidos y viven bastante bien. Los cubanos negros sufren de ser negros lo mismo que demasiados negros en este paiz. Mi preguntas son que si los cubanos republicanos quieren que Cuba tenga las mismas “libertades” que nos quedan en este pais corrientemente? Si quieren el mismo capitalismo de este pais, que parece una serpiente comiendose la cola? Si quieren regresar al tiempo antes de Castro? O si realment solo quieren que Cuba sea libre?????

  8. I am fascinated with your blog and recommend it. The world has much to learn from cubanos when they become free. Will they revert to warfare for the position of top dog? To US-style democracy and capitalism? Something entirely new??? White Cubans who managed to leave, were generally the elite. They and/or their descendants usually identify with the republican party in the US and live fairly well. Black Cubans suffer for being black, just like too many Black Americans. So do the republican Cubans in the US want Cuba to have the same “liberties” that we currently have in the US? The same “snake devouring its own tail” capitalism? Do they want to return to the status quo before Castro? Or do they really just want Cuba to be free?????

    Me fascina tu blog y lo recomiendo. El mundo tiene mucho que aprender de los cubanos cuando se libran. Regresaran al conflicto armado para determinar el nuevo lider? A la democracia y capitalismo de los Estados Unidos? Algo enteramente nuevo??? Los cubanos blancos que se pudieron salir generalmente eran ricos y bien conectados. Ellos y/o sus descendientes regularmente se asocian con el partido republicano en los Estados Unidos y viven bastante bien. Los cubanos negros sufren de ser negros lo mismo que demasiados negros en este paiz. Mi preguntas son que si los cubanos republicanos quieren que Cuba tenga las mismas “libertades” que nos quedan en este pais corrientemente? Si quieren el mismo capitalismo de este pais, que parece una serpiente comiendose la cola? Si quieren regresar al tiempo antes de Castro? O si realment solo quieren que Cuba sea libre?????

  9. bravo, hay que tener valor para desde adentro del pais criticar fuertemente al ” invicto ” tirano y su inventado no funcional sistema politico ideologico que ha sido el mas devastador fenomeno que ha azotado cualquier pais en esta epoca, ni en China, Corea, ni ningun otro regimen de izquierda se a destruido y vandalizado el pais, su patrimonio nacional, y lo peor,la educacion y oportunidades de crecer spiritualmente de los nacionales , muchos estan programados con el adoctrinamiento del gobierno , esos no piensan , para otros sencillamente es la unica opcion,, no tienen mas intereses ni motivaciones que sobrevivir el dia dia,otros como yo elegimos irnos y ver de lejos la destruccion y al final el hundimiento del castrismo y los menos como tu luchan desde adentro por que saben que hay otras opciones para esos mi admiracion

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